Projects Around Town

Projects Around Town
Posted on 04/27/2023


Mixville Park Improvements - Phase I

Mixville Map  

The Cheshire Department of Engineering has designed multiple upgrades to the park that will provide functionality to park-goers, as well as add needed infrastructure to accommodate those residents that require additional accessibility options. 

Upgrades include a new  one-way parking  lot with a designated drop off area.  The addition of ADA accessible routes around the park and to high usage facilities, such as bathrooms and pavilions, have been proposed. These include a 6-foot wide timber boardwalk that will guide pedestrians to the beach area and provide a scenic route to walk around the park. Moreover, there is also a proposed natural depressed area that will serve as an ice rink during the winter months, which will be a replacement to the temporary ice rink that has historically been placed at Bartlem Park. These improvements to Mixville Park are the result of intense planning and cooperation from multiple departments, including but not limited to: Engineering, Public Works, Planning and Zoning, Economic Development, and Recreation.

Progress photos can be found here.


BAR Planning Grant - West Main St. Design
west main

The Town of Cheshire was awarded a Brownfield Area-Wide Revitalization (BAR) Planning Grant for the West Main Street Business District Revitalization Plan (the Plan) by the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development.

The BAR Planning Grant program funds municipal redevelopment and revitalization projects in areas with multiple brownfield sites. 

Town Staff are working with SLR Consulting, Ltd. (SLR) (a Cheshire-based multi-disciplinary firm), property owners, and the Cheshire community to develop a phased economic development and rezoning strategy for the BAR Study Area. The rezoning strategy will facilitate development within the area to develop a Form-Based code that encourages adaptive reuse of existing properties, flexibility in the type of uses, and develop design guidelines for façade improvements, streetscape, wayfinding signage, and other public-facing amenities that contribute to creating an active Town Center.

Additional information and project status is available here


Hitchcock Philips House Long-Term Capital Plan 



The Town engaged the professional services of Jacunski Humes Architects for a proposal to review the current conditions of the Hitchcock Phillips House. This proposal and the recommendations will support efforts towards a long-term capital improvement plan for the facility. 
As part of this three-phase proposal, the firm will first prepare an architectural drawing of the existing structure including the floor plans and exterior elevations. 
The group in conjunction with town staff will then use the plans generated to survey the building, evaluating the physical condition of the structure and mechanical equipment. The resulting report will include a list of recommendations and a level of prioritization for the noted projects. 
Jacunski Humes Architects will conclude their efforts by utilizing the information generated to prepare a final report which will include recommendations, solutions, and opinions of the probable cost for each project identified.  


Splashpad at Cheshire Community Pool

The Town of Cheshire is in receipt of a $500,000 State of Connecticut’s Small-Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP) grant for enhancements to the Cheshire Community Pool.  The grant funding will enable the Town to replace the indoor kiddie pool and to install an exciting outdoor splash pad area.  The outdoor splashpad will be located immediately adjacent to the western side of the pool structure and serve as an amenity of the Cheshire Community Pool.  

The Town retained the engineering services of Barton & Loguidice to complete the design with anticipated construction to commence in 2024.  “Including a splash pad area was one of the most frequent requests we received during the Bartlem Park South community engagement process,” said Town Manager Sean Kimball.

East Johnson Avenue Road Reconstruction Phase I

DeRita & Sons Construction Co. was selected as the lowest qualified bidder for the Phase I reconstruction project of East Johnson Avenue from McCausland Court to the Quinnipiac River with paving scheduled to start in mid-May and anticipated to be complete before the end of the month. 

Industrial Avenue Culvert Replacement

Contract was awarded and project is currently in the submittal process with construction expected for late summer of 2024.

Spring Street Groundwater Mitigation

The Cheshire Public Works Department in coordination with Town Engineering staff will be installing under drains to mitigate high groundwater on Spring Street starting in spring 2024. Public Works anticipates completion of these improvements late spring 2024.


Construction has been progressing rapidly for the fit-out of Artsplace at the Ball & Socket Arts facility. The 4,000 SF second floor of Building 2, above Sweet Claude's, will feature multiple classroom spaces for all of Artsplace's programs. It is anticipated that all summer programming will take place at this new location.  For progress photos, click here, and for additional information, please view the attached presentation. 

New Schools




Eversource will be performing vegetation management work along their electric power corridors (rights of way) within Cheshire over the coming months. This project will extend through portions of Cheshire, Meriden, Southington, and Wallingford. Please see the attached maps for locations of the planned work. They will be notifying property owners along the rights of way with letters detailing the upcoming work.


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